The Art of Self



Hello Friend, Welcome

My name is Kourosh, the artist and maker behind KUKUROO. I live and work from my home studio in New Mexico with a commitment to my spiritual path and creating what I love with purpose and vision. 

One at a time, one of a kind. Details matter.

For me, the process of making anything starts with vision and a stirring in my heart to explore and understand all facets of the project before I start making anything. I sit with the idea, sketch it, dream it, ask questions and once I have a clear vision move forward. I am passionate about mastering my craft and have found that the outcome of every project depends on having a process and being full present with each incremental step.

I have been called a perfectionist many times lol. These days my approach and everyday practice is choosing to be present instead of perfect. I find for me, perfection is a trap, mind chatter that takes me away from the present moment, connection with source and the joy of creating and learning.

Thank you for this opportunity to share what I love to create with you,

Much Love,
